Pushing the Burden by PELLUCID CROPS

"I've already said it. None of us will fall into this burden unconciously, despite our hardest efforts."

- Blooming Stones

Pushing the Burden (I—V)


Pellucid Crops

The beginning offered a pleasant looped ambient that quickly transported me into tranquility. However, now and then, a noisy glitch appeared, nicely indicating that this wouldn't be just a stroll through an old castle park. The gradual escalation reveals the intriguing thinking of this performer. Yes, I've known him for some time. I've heard many things from him, but he always comes up with something new, which I wouldn't have expected. On the other hand, I do expect it, given his talent, which is not yet where it should be.

The dragging drone passages were replaced by non-intrusive noisy elements, creating an interesting atmosphere. Only five minutes have passed, but it completely absorbed me. The music would be a great soundtrack for some deep philosophical film or an evening with wine, where one reevaluates their existence. There's a sense of cold and classic darkness, but complemented by a dreamy undertone that, as I mentioned, ventures into the atmospheric, almost fairy-tale-like.

Speaking or writing what I want, can I not? (Rhetorical question. It's my blog, so I'll write what I want.) The transitions are relatively smooth, undisturbed, which I consider a big plus because it doesn't distract me from my contemplative mood or the story I tend to create while listening. The ending is pleasantly faded down. It slowly fades away, but the thoughts linger.

With this piece, I am surprised. The composition sounds simple, but for a keen fan or listener, you can see the effort and underlying thought. It's evident that the performer left a piece of themselves there, which I logically appreciate, as it is original creation and not just the commonplace copying we often encounter today.

The sound is pleasant.

The story is interesting.

The theme is well-executed.

For me, I definitely recommend it, and I look forward to your next creation.

"Created for the untrackable dance of The Earth.

Worshipped and transformed into thunder.

Received back as a whisper,

Turned again into wrath."


All instruments, composition, affection and spite by

Blooming Stones

"None of us will fall into this burden unconsciously.

Despite our hardest effort."

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