Blooming Stones


The Lab Theater presents Pellucid Crops' live debut as part of the Night of Theatres 2023, sometime in October.

Next up, we had Pushing the Burden by PELLUCID CROPS. Here we have yet another introduction of an artist/project close to my heart. Honestly, I don’t even know what to write about him, as he’s such an authority in terms of taste, creativity, and artistry. Hats off – at least, that’s what we say around here. Hopefully, this brief introduction will do. (It took you ages to write it, by the way...) Anyway, I highly recommend exploring his work.

First, could you introduce yourself and write a few words about you?

My name is Juraj and I create music and artwork under the name Blooming Stones. I currently reside in Bratislava and focus on electronic music, noise, ambient and meddling with guitar to create some solo black metal project that I will actually like.

Present your project or projects.

I did music under various names and was doing a lot of stuff that didn't made sense (I still do), but as of right now, I make music under Blooming Stones, Pellucid Crops and Bitter Course. Blooming Stones originally started in 2020 as a seriesof improvised recordings with guitar.  Now its focused on ambient, noise and everything in between. Then in 2023 I made a score for a contemporary dance quintet and wanted to release it under a different name, hence Pellucid Crops. Stuff purely focused on electronic music and repetition. Bitter Course, the newest from the bunch, is ambient with elements of noise, inspired by early days of Posh Isolation / Janushoved .

The idea/ideology/theme or mission of your creation? Is there something like that? Is there a hidden message in it?

Most of the music I enjoy is the one I know almost nothing about. All the ideas of the release are communicated purely through the music and visuals. No context given by the artist, just hints and clues. You need to figure it out yourself. I like that. So „mystery“ is a part of my work I suppose. But I can also give you a very common yet honest answer that I want to connect with people through my work through a pure ka and I do this for myself.

How did you come to this genre specifically and why did you choose it as a form of expression?

I discovered Janushoved maybe six or seven years ago and it really changed my perspective on music. The presentation, the density and everything that came from it really made me fellin love with it to a point, where I had to give it a shot. Knowing nothing about it I acquired some gear and was washing the living shit out of it. Over time it started to make sense. It's really versatile and the only boundary is just your imagination. There are no rules. With options so wide and open, its really up to you how you approach it and that is where your own identity and ideas shine through the music. You can build your own sound from scratch. And if you want to do it, you’ll find ways to do it. 

When it comes to your work, which release are you most proud of, and whatwould you recommend people to listen to? And why specifically that one?

I don't think I have one that Im particularly proud of. If I had to choose, I would say the first Bitter Course tape is the closest to what I originally intended versus what came out of it. I really like the sound. 

How do you seek inspiration for your work? Is it hours of contemplation, or do you just switch on and record?

I think its pretty simple in my case. Im  fascinated by something, spend some time gathering enough material to actually make a recording out of it, record, listen back and look into possible variations. The tracks are composed but Im very open to spontaneous things happening during the recording. Like whatever happens, happens. I try not to dwell too much on particular aspects of the recordings, because that just sends you down the spiral of never actually finishing it. I don't want to get stuck on eq-ing and loose touch with the original ideas.

Which musical endeavor (another project) would you like to recommend?

Search for projects yourself. Its way more fun discovering something rather than hearing a recommendation. 

And the last question isn’t actually a question. You have the freedom, and you can say whatever you want.

Support your local scene, labels and artists. Enjoy what you do to the fullest and „Seek Forever“.

Thank you Juraj!

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